Know Your Earth
Your adventure travel guide for getting to know your Earth
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Questions and Answers on the Know Your Earth Travel Challenge
An Inuit drum chant on Canada's
Devon Island, Nunavut TerritoryQ. Why did you choose a slice width of 10 degrees for both
latitude and longitude?

A. It seemed a reasonably fine grain for planetary coverage. I felt that
every 15 degrees was a little too coarse, while every 5 degrees might
trivialize one's geographic experience of the Earth, if the difference
between two adjacent 5-degree bands was minimal. Also, over the
centuries, mariners who were navigating the higher latitudes
traditionally referred to the prevailing winds in latitude bands that
were 10 degrees wide---the Roaring Forties, the Furious Fifties, the
Screaming Sixties. Finally, today many published world maps and
globes are marked with latitude and longitude lines that are 10 degrees
Selling fruit to ferry passenger on
Irrawaddy River, Myanmar (Burma)Q. If I experience, for the first time, one of the 36 longitudinal slices and this also happens to put me, for the first time, in one of the 18 latitudinal slices, do both count as having been visited, or is that cheating by double-counting?

A. Why should this be thought of as cheating? This is your adventure, not a contest or admissions test being checked by referees. Your Earth's 54 slices are there for you to discover, sense, enjoy---and to remember. After visiting many of the 54, you will appreciate the human geography and biosphere of Planet Earth.

The Know Your Earth Travel Challenge guides you to experience the globe in the fullest sense, in any amount of time or sequence you wish. Think of your grandchildren: wouldn't it be precious if one day you could tell them about visiting, recording, experiencing most or all of the 54 slices and could instill in them a sense of wonder and responsibility for Planet Earth? May "The Challenge" be with them!
Schoolgirl with siblings on the
San Bernardo Islands, ColombiaQ. On this website, can I contribute my experiences and impressions of my travels to the various slices?

A. Absolutely; I can think of nothing better! Send your comments to me and indicate that you would like these posted on this website (all comments come directly to me, only, and I do not post any comments received unless you give me permission). I shall post them, with just minor editing for style, but you will be given a chance to check, in advance, what I plan to upload (in case you'd like to change something). Only then, can website visitors read what you have written. It's a great way for you to share your advice and suggestions with like-minded adventure travelers.

Use the address given on the Get in touch page. If you e-mail your comment, nobody else gets to see your e-mail address, and I certainly will not share it with others or put it on some distribution list.
Cultures mingle in Qaanaaq, Greenland,
the world's most northerly townQ. When my adventure travels have fulfilled the Know Your Earth Travel Challenge, can I get some kind of certificate suitable for framing that marks my achievement?

A. Of course you can. Write to me, giving an address where you'd like it sent,
and I'll see to it that this happens.